Thursday, November 24, 2005

Bruce Lee Remixer

Boys and girls, if there's only one thing you do today...make sure it's visting this site:



Wednesday, November 23, 2005


...i find it hilarious when you're watching a documentary on fat people and they go to the streets to check how serious the problem is. They only ever focus on their fat arses plodding along with a burger king bag....never do they have the balls to show their faces!!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Film 2005

Cast your vote over at

I chose Hotel Rwanda for it's shear emotional impact it makes when you watch it.


Thursday, November 03, 2005

Skype me....

Interesting feature in Skype that's always been there but I've never used is Skype Me. Essentially, this allows anybody in the world with Skype to call you without having to authorise them as one of your contacts.

I've switched into this mode for today because I'm extremely bored...I'll update when (or if) anybody contacts me to see what those nutjobs want to talk about.


Pretty disappointing...only one person chatted with me, and that was via instant messaging as apposed to VOIP. Still, always useful to know a 24 year old taking her law exams in tokyo soon....