Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Backblogg of Stuff..

..wow, almost 5 months since I last blogged! To be honest, I probably could have put more effort to set aside a short amount of time each week to update...but I got pretty bogged down in work.

Nothing's changed really...still studying like I've never done before! But the good news is the dissertation is out of the way! Handed in a couple of weeks ago to the computing department with a very tired look on my face! Still, it's done now.....just got the exams to look forward to! (*woot*)

Anything new in my life you shout?...nope, nothing particularly. I am however secretly cutting back on the booze, haven't got sloshed in a while now. And that pretty much sums it up, it's been a very boring year....

Look forward to the summer though....travelling here I come!!

I'll leaving you with this thought though:

"Those that get hammered, don't get nailed..."
